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Brief Introduction to the International Colleges 
  The International Colleges of Qingdao Universityis located in th e Shi Laoren Holiday Resort amongst the beautiful backdrops of mou ntains and sea. The college which is one of the 23 colleges in Qingda o Univ ersity is responsible for the research, development and implem entati on of international joint educational programs of Qing dao Univ ersit y . It offers 9 undergraduate programs, including International Tr ade and Economics, International Business, Tourism and Hospitality 
  Man agement, Accounting, Logistics, English, Korean, E-business an d Softwar e Engineering, It also provides 2 diploma programs, namely International Business and Marketing. It has more than 4000 full-time students on campus and 188 full-time teachers, currently including 38 foreign teachers. The International Colleges has advanced multimedia facilities for foreign language teaching and learning and modern laboratories for modernized education. 
  The International Colleges’ management style, educational philosophy and teaching protocol are based on those from developed countries. The design of the courses reflects an international, modern, and practical env ironment. It has also created its unique educational style by employing teaching design ideas from foreign univers ities. Some original foreign textbooks have been introduced and over 30% of the courses are taught by native tea chers or exchange teaching staff from foreign universities. Personalized management and extracurricular activities have been added to diversify the whole curriculum. The International Colleges has developed its operating conce pt of ‘Students are our foundation’, focusing on the improvements of students’ overall qualities. Four distin ctive features of International Colleges’ education system have been developed along the years of formation: foreign languages communication skills and computer competence, cross-culture awareness, professional knowle dge of international demand and personalized student management. Meanwhile, the college has adopted the cour se credit system from our partner universities so that we are able to help the students gain an international educati onal background and assist them to further their education abroad.