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学校以 “立学中华,语通世界”为办学理念,以“为学生发展奠基,对民族未来负责”为指导思想,以“培养具有世界胸襟、民族情怀的高素质现代中国人”为育人目标,使学生成为“思想品德优良、文化基础扎实、外语特长突出、人格心理健全、实践创新能力突出、审美情趣高雅”的优秀中学生。
学校致力于为学生成长提供最适宜的空间,切实改变了“千军万马”挤独木桥的格局,让学生踏上了缤纷的成长之途。学校已培养出了11名省市文理科状元,2012年包揽四川省文科理科双状元,优生井喷式涌现,全省文理前10名中,我校占6名;前100名中,占17名。20名同学考入北大、清华、港大等名校。已连续两年获成都市教育局颁发高中教育“突出贡献奖”。一本率均在85%左右,升学率年年保持100%。高考保送生连年攀升, 2012年再创保送新高, 134人被保送到重点大学深造,接近全省保送人数的一半。每年有数以百计的优秀学子考入世界一流大学。2012年124名优生被美欧名牌大学以高额奖学金录取,留学人数、学校档次、奖学金数额等,都在四川遥遥领先。成外学子已连续六年夺得常青藤盟校全额奖学金,继续引领西部基础教育国际化浪潮。学科竞赛异年突起,共有4000多人次获国家级奖励。2012年有38人获全国一等奖,1人荣获中国西部数学奥林匹克金牌,1人入选中国数学奥林匹克冬令营,1人获航海模型(动力艇)世界杯赛青少年组MONO-1冠军。2012年全国的英语竞赛中,我校学生狂揽7个一等奖,16个二等奖。在 ACTS 中国校园综合素质能力竞赛全国总决赛中, 5位同学获得特别金奖, 8位同学获得银奖,8人获得铜奖,7人获得优秀奖,有19人获得了赴美国留学的资格。学校全面实施素质教育,推进课程改革,现已开设了50余门校本课程,大大丰富了学校的课程内容,极大地满足学生多样化、个性化的学习需求和成长需求。学校组织开展一系列丰富多彩的课外活动,如体育节、艺术节、科技节、社团活动等,拥有“民乐、舞蹈、桥牌、球类”等艺体传统团队,艺体特长生不断涌现,每年都有多人次荣获全国、省、市冠军。学校的中考年年保持着全市领先的地位,一次性合格率达100%,优生率达99%以上,重点率年年保持85%以上。
成外自创办以来,办学业绩斐然,被社会、媒体、学生、家长誉为“中国西部民办教育的旗舰”、 “培育盛世英才的摇篮,通向五洲四海的桥梁”,享誉巴蜀、蜚声全国。
Chengdu Foreign Languages School (CFLS), founded in 1989 with the approval of the Education Department of Sichuan Province, is the first middle school featuring in teaching foreign languages. CFLS has been nominated by the Education Department of China as a foreign languages school to send its graduates to university without taking part in the college entrance examination (there are only 16 foreign languages schools nominated nationwide and CFLS is the only one in Sichuan Province). Due to its well-recognized academic achievements and its graduates’ impressive performance, CFLS has been given the title as the Experimental School of Nurturing Top-notch and Creative Talents in Sichuan Province (there are six in the whole province and CFLS is the only private school), the Quality Students Base of Tsinghua University’s New Centenary Leadership Programme, javascript:;the school for Recommending Graduates Directly to Peking University Under the Principal’s Name, the school for People’s University’s Programme of “Principal’s Expressway to the University” and the school for Fudan University’s Wangdao Programme. CFLS has been honored as the Sichuan Province Advanced Group of Private Education, the Provincial-level Exemplary School of School Ethos, the Award for Mass Media’s Most Trustworthy Education Brand,the Advanced Group of Private Education of Chengdu City, Western China Top Ten Education Brand of Primary and Middle School, the Sample School of Curriculum Reforming in Sichuan Province (CFLS is the only private school among them) and the Leading School in Curriculum Reforming of Chengdu City.
The school’s educational philosophy is “A Profound Chinese Foundation; A Panoramic Global Outlook”. Its educational guiding ideology is focused on “the students’ development and the responsibility for the nation’s future”). Its educational aim is to “cultivate high-quality modern Chinese people with world vision and national conscience”. In this way its students can be fostered to be excellent middle school students who are “good in ideology and morality, strong in academics, outstanding in foreign languages, healthy in mind and body, prominent in practice and innovation and elegant in aesthetic taste”.
The school lays equal emphasis on both arts and science subjects as well as foreign languages, which helps develop all aspects of the students. Up till now the school has offered English, Japanese, French and German and foreign teachers are employed to work here all year round. It has established connections with lots of well-known overseas schools. Foreign textbooks are aused and the students are taught in smaller-sized classes. Now there are 96 classes with more than 5000 students. The school is blessed with a scholarly atmosphere highlighting a spirit of humanity. The school has been given the title Chengdu’s Featured School in Campus Cultural Construction.
The school makes every endeavor to provide the students with the most suitable growing space and tries hard to educate students in all-round way rather that just prepare for the college entrance examination. Hence students are put on various paths to success. The school has alreadyhad 11 students who came top in Sichuan Province and Chengdu City in the college entrance examination. In 2012 the school witnessed another two students in arts and science come top in Sichuan Province. Excellent students streamed out. Of the top ten students in Arts and Science in the whole province, six of them were from CFLS. Among the top one hundred, seventeen were from our school. Twenty students were admitted to Peking University, Tsinghua University and Hong Kong University. For two consecutive years the school has been given the? Special Contribution Award for High School Education by Chengdu Education Bureau. The ratio of its students going to key university is over 85%. The proportion of students entering colleges is 100% every year. The number of the students recommended to university is going up year by year, and in 2012 the number reached new heights, when 134 students were sent to university for further study in this way, taking up half of the students recommended to university in whole Sichuan Province. Every year many of our excellent students are admitted to the world famous universities. In 2012, 124 outstanding students were admitted to best-known universities in America and Europe with scholarships. CFLS is far head of other schools in Sichuan Province in terms of the number of students who were admitted to overseas universities, the rankings of the universities that the students were went to as well as the amount of scholarship that was granted. Our students have been admitted to the Ivy League Universities with full scholarships for six consecutive years, which puts the school in the leading position in the wave of internationalization of basic education in Western China.
The school is doing better and better in the subject competitions year by year and more than 4000 students have won national awards. In 2012 thirty-eight students won the National First Prize. One student got the Gold Medal in Mathematical Olympic Competition for Western China. One student entered the winter camp of Chinese Mathematic Olympics. One student won the Championship in Navigation Models (Powered Boat) World Cup Mono-1. In the national English competitions, our students have received seven first prizes and sixteen second prizes. In the ACTS final competition of Chinese Students’ All-around Quality and Abilities, six students were given the special golden prizes and sixty-six students won silver and bronze prizes. Twenty-four students got the opportunities to study in America. The school is implementing quality-oriented education all round and promoting the curriculum reforming. The school has opened over fifity school-based courses, which have greatly enriched the contents of the school curriculum and satisfied the sudents’ various and individual needs of study and development. The school organizes a range of extracurricular activities, like sports festivals, art festivals, science and technology festivals, club activities etc. The school has traditional art and sports teams such as folk music troupes, dancing groups, bridge and sports teams. There is a steady flow of talented students in art and sports. Every year lots of students win national, provincial and municipal championships in those areas.
The school is in the leading position in the whole city in terms of annual senior high school entrance examinations with a one-time pass rate of 100% , the excellent rate of over 99% and the rate of students going to key middle schools of more than 85%.
The International Department of the school has two programmes. The Sino-Amercan Experimental Course Program (AP) was founded in 2009. Up to now it has already had two sessions of graduates. The students who graduated in 2011 and in 2012 were all admitted to well-known universities in America. The Sino-Canadian Dual High School Diploma Programme, set up in 2011, is a joint program between the Department of Sichuan Province and the Department of Novia Scotia. When the students graduate from the programme, they will be issued two diplomas, one is the diploma of CFLS, the other the diploma of Novia Scottia. When the students apply to Canadian universities, they are able to use these rather than having to take TOEFL, IELTS and SAT.
Since CFLS was founded, it has made great achievements in running the school. It has been praised by the society, the mass media, the students and parents as the “flagship of Western China’s private education” . The school has been seen as “a craddle of nurturing talents in flourishing age”, and is seen as a bridge to the world. It enjoys an enviable reputation in the area of Ba and Shu and is renowned nationwide.
